Wednesday 15 February 2012

How many slaves work for you?

How many slaves work for you? Find out by taking a short quiz on Slavery Footprint. The results may startle you. My number was 29 – it really made me think about the choices we all make in everyday life that have such an effect on those working further down the chain of supply.

The Empty Room.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Born Free*

Coming soon from The Empty Room:

We are proud to announce that work has begun on our newest project, a collective creation piece aimed at raising awareness about the problem of modern day slavery and human trafficking.

Born Free* (*Subject to Status, Conditions Apply) is a collaboration of emerging theatre and dance artists in Toronto that will be work-shopped this coming spring. Stay tuned for more updates, sneak-peeks, and information about how you can participate in combating this cruel and illegal trade.